Keyhole Arch - Monument Valley, Navajo Nation

No trip to Utah is complete without stopping by Monument Valley on the Arizona-Utah border. Located in the northwestern portion of Navajo Nation, it is a place of great landscapes that have appeared in countless westerns and commercials. It has even been featured in a Metallica music video. The official name of the park is Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park, which is the equivalent of an American National Park. There are many rock formations that, over the years, have been given names either by the Navajo or early settlers to the area. Many of the rock formations can be seen from the 17-mile dirt road that visitors to the park can drive for a daily fee. To get off of the road and see some of the lesser-known formations, the hiring of a Navajo guide is necessary. The arch in this photo is one of those off-road formations. I have been told it is known as Keyhole Arch, but have also heard it called Pottery Arch. Regardless of its name, the view through the center of it is pretty cool.