Tuscan Rainbow - San Giovanni d'Asso, Tuscany, Italy

Sometimes scouting doesn’t always result in a new, undiscovered location and it is always good to have a solid backup location, just in case. This proved true on one of our sunrise shoots in Tuscany. We were staying at a farmhouse complex and we decided to head out before dawn to see if we could find a good sunrise location. After searching a while, we didn’t find anything that looked like it would work out. Fortunately, the day before, we had shot the Tuscan landscape from a high hill with a great big oak tree on top, so back we went. The clouds were threatening but we saw pockets of clear skies around us. After we trudged up the hill, the rains came for a bit. That was fortuitous as, when the rain stopped, we were treated with a double rainbow. The second rainbow is not visible in the photo above but was clearly visible to our naked eyes.